Storage For Collectible Items

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Storage For Collectible Items

Hello, my name is Lori. Welcome to my site. I am here to talk to you about storage for your collectibles. I had to place all of my collectible cards, plates and dolls in storage before my last move. I was planning to move several times in the course of the year, so I worried that the items would be damaged in the ruckus. The storage facility had kept the items in such great shape that I continued to keep them there after getting permanently settled. I hope that you will be able to use the information on my site to successfully store your collectibles.


Storing Gaming Gear Properly To Protect Condition And Value

12 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Video games are one thing that should be carefully packed away and stored when you want to protect and grow the value of the items. Here, you'll find a few tips to help ensure that the gaming gear that you're storing is in perfect condition when you retrieve it to sell, display or use again. Rent a Climate Controlled Storage Unit There are so many components of the gaming consoles that must be protected from high and low temperatures, as well as moisture. Read More …

3 Places Where You Can Store Your RV

12 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

When you aren't using your RV, you need to have a way to store it. If you are going to be not using it for a few weeks, storage isn't as important, but if you are done using it for the year or for the winter, having the right storage is important. So, what are some places that you can take advantage of when you are storing your RV? Driveway Read More …

Mini Self-Storage Can Be Used For Hobbies And Sports-Related Needs

2 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

People rent self-storage units as places to store their household things when caught between homes, when remodeling, or when dealing with a catastrophe like a flood. They rent units for things like their spare cars or their seasonal vehicles they want to protect during the off-seasons. Small business owners even rent them as places to keep their merchandise, tools, or other equipment safe when a workspace is limited. Another reason for renting storage units is to keep hobby and sports equipment and materials when they don't fit appropriately in the home. Read More …

Getting the Most Benefit From a College Student Self-Storage Unit

29 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

College students might look forward to the summer and winter holidays, but they may have concerns about hauling their belongings back home. Some students live far away from where they attend school, and shipping boxes upon boxes of belongings home could be costly. Shipping those same items back when the end of the break brings more costs. A better alternative could involve booking a student self-storage unit. With a little planning, a college student might get much value out of a well-organized self-storage unit. Read More …

Does Your Garage Need To Be Organized? Follow These 4 Tips

14 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Do you have a garage that is getting a bit out of control when it comes to a lack of organization? You'll need to come up with a plan for organizing your garage so that you can make the most out of the space. Here are some tips for getting it done. Empty Out The Garage One thing that is going to slow you down when organizing your garage is that you do not empty it out. Read More …